Grow old along with me…

“Grow old along with me! The best is yet to be, the last of life, for which the first was made. Our times are in his hand who saith, ‘A whole I planned, youth shows but half; Trust God: See all, nor be afraid!”

-Robert Browning

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Photos by Amy Caroline Photography Denver, Colorado



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What I’ve come to realize over the almost eight years that we’ve been married is that love means so much more than going out on dates, holding hands, sexy gifts, and hot make outs. It means getting your partner. And you’re waiting for the punchline – getting your partner what? But that’s just it. getting them means knowing them, understanding them, wanting the best for them, and enjoying the same things. Now that last part might raise a red flag for a lot of couples because not all couples enjoy doing the same things. That’s OK! We don’t always have to do what the other person likes all the time. However, if you both take an interest in the things that the other person enjoys then you’ll find that you also enjoy them and can spend time doing them together! For example, the Mr. enjoys reading together. Something we don’t often get to do, but when we do it’s enjoyed by both of us because we know how much he enjoys it! I like furniture shopping, coffee shops and painting. He finds ways to enjoy theses activities with me! There are certain things that we both enjoy equally. Saturday mornings we sip coffee together while scrolling through lists of homes on Zillow (that’s when we’re not making pancakes and watching Curious George).

Loving life with your partner means finding joy in the small things. Enjoy him. He will enjoy you enjoying him and return the gesture by finding joy in what you love.

We continually grow in our understanding of what each other enjoys. In an odd way we’ve become very similar over the years. I think we’ve grown alike in the things we enjoy, the things we talk about, and our dreams for the future. What I think is so wonderful about our relationship and for anyone in love, is that it just gets better with time. You grow more in love through the experiences that you’ve shared and you look forward to the future with one another. I always say it like this – being married is doing life with your best friend. That’s how I feel about the Mr. I feel blessed to have such an amazing man as my partner in life. Robert Browning said it best. We’re not just growing old together, we are growing in love! and the best is yet to be!

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